George Gintilas


George has been in private practice since 1990. Initially trained in Somatic Integration Therapy, he added Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy work to his practice in 1993 as part of a deeper emphasis on working with the body and the life force of a human being. George has trained in various fields of therapy that complement his principles and understanding that one must work and accept the whole body (not just the cognitive) in order to produce more real and permanent change. He also practices P.S.H. Therapy and has a specialty in Trauma related work and Body Mindfulness Meditation. He is the founder and director of the Elwood Centre for Wellbeing where he has managed over 127 practitioners over 16 years. The centre has seen and supported thousands of people in their healing and wellbeing in that period.


(Certified 1993)


The Elwood Centre for Wellbeing

Unit 3, 4 Tiuna Grove, 

Elwood VIC 3184

P: (03) 9525 7680

M: 0411 148 788





